Sunday, October 23, 2011

Spider Facts and Song

Since spiders were on our minds this week, the class and I decided to learn some spider facts.  We read this National Geographic Spider book and talked about what facts are...real vs. imaginary.  Many students were surprised to learn that most spiders have EIGHT eyes, two body parts, and have fangs to suck liquids out of their prey!  "EEWWWW!" they all said.  This book also has great pictures that foster wonderful conversations about spiders.  They loved it!

After reading, we sang this song to the tune of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes using a movement with each word...

Head, abdomen, and eight legs
Head, abdomen, and eight legs
I have eight eyes and fangs too...."slurrrrpp" (sucking sound)
Head, abdomen, and eight legs

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